Tuesday, November 4, 2014


发现这个感觉没有消失,好像种在我的心里。 还以为一切都已经过去了。如何是好~

Friday, July 18, 2014



慢慢的才知道,对自己好的人会随着时间的流逝越来 越少,¬

慢慢的才知道,一个人要自己对自己好,因为真正 关心你的人很少,有了事他们也不一定会在你身边。所以要自己 照顾自己¬
慢慢的才知道,真心对一个人好不一定有回报,而你 忽略的人往往有可能是最重视你的,¬

慢慢的才知道,很多东西是可遇而不可求的,很多东 西只能拥有一次,¬

慢慢的才知道,恋爱不一定是真心的, 有可能是利益关系,有可能是攀比心理,¬

慢慢的才知道,不要和别人争论什么,因为那是没有 结果的,无论谁对谁错,¬

慢慢的才知道,很多时候自己遇到不开心事,千万 不要渴望别人同情,大多数人会采取冷漠回敬的。那样会更让人 家看不起,¬

慢慢的才知道,有很多东西是不属于你的,你使劲强 求会遭天遣的,¬

慢慢的才知道,未必做每件事情都有意义,可是做的 每件事情都觉得是一件回忆!¬


慢慢的才知道,许多曾经的人会变的让你认不出,但 请留住回忆。¬

慢慢的才知道,从现在开始应该把握每一个你能把 握的人,放弃你留不住的人,不要因为想留住个别人而失去一群 人。¬

慢慢的才知道,自己一定在乎自己的自尊,但你的自 尊在别人眼里根本不算什么,¬

慢慢的才知道,不要心情不好的时候对周围人发脾 气,渴望他们谅解你,人家不是你的父母,现在你可以明白父母 对自己多么重要,¬

慢慢的才知道,即便有人对情感看的无所谓,你一 定要坚信,人之间的感情, 有可能会令所有东西都无法超越的,但记住,只是有可能,¬


慢慢的才知道,会遇到许多自己看不惯的人或事, 但那与你无关,别人爱咋整随他便,别生不该生的气,不值,¬

慢慢的才知道,两个天天在一起的人不一定是朋友, 有可能什么都不是,¬

慢慢的才知道,会遇到很多诱惑,无论别人怎么样, 你是你,你有你的原则和底限,¬

慢慢的才知道,会有人很讨厌你或者和你过不去, 但是他爱怎么样就怎么样,我们要大度,不和小人计较,但前提 是你正确,¬

慢慢的才知道,很多人无法理解男女之间的朋友关 系,在一起就一定是恋人,不是恋人就一定不能在一起,¬

慢慢的才知道,学习要刻苦,因为凭聪明就能应付考 试科目的人是凤毛翎角,¬

慢慢的才知道,原来时间一空闲下来是那么无聊,丝 毫没有中学的充实的感觉,¬

慢慢的才知道,手机是别人有事找你的时候用的,并 不是为了交流感情的¬

慢慢的才知道,可以不把所有人当朋友,但千万不能 把一个人当敌人,至少可以当同学,¬

慢慢的才知道,玩你能玩的起的,玩不起的千万别 玩,不然会输了什么都没有的,¬

慢慢的才知道,快乐常常来自回忆,而痛苦常常来自 于回忆与现实的差距,¬

慢慢的才知道,那些嘻哈打闹只是消遣而已,而过往 的抽烟打架更是无知.¬

慢慢的才知道,有很多人的想法与做法你无法理解, 或是根本不知道他在想什么,千万别在那揣摩或者瞎猜, 那样会让自己累,既然人家要保持神秘感那就让人家保持去啊, 自己又不是占卜师,¬

慢慢的才知道,不要把自己想的有多高,没有绝对性 的胜利,也没有绝对性的失败¬

慢慢的才知道,生活是有很多不公平的, 你一定要正视,相信实力和群众的眼睛,¬

慢慢的才知道,兄弟情义有时候未必是想像的那么美 好, 只有自己真心付出,才有可能得到别人的真心对待.¬

慢慢的才知道,有的人不断的算计,到头还来是会输 的很惨,所以应当保持一个平和的心!¬

慢慢的才知道,有的事情不是自己所愿意的,但是有 的事情必须得去完成,那也是对自己的一段特训.¬

慢慢的才知道,原来两个人在一起或真或假,相处的 时间还是占据着重要成份.¬

慢慢的才知道,现实根想法的差距,必须要随机应 变,跟上生活的步伐!¬

慢慢的才知道,自己也在慢慢长大,不在是小孩子 了,适应着每一件事的成长.¬

慢慢的才知道,给人留一线日后好相见的真正意义, 没有永远的敌人只有永远的朋友,凡事不要做的太绝,事情的结 局都是用嘴巴说出来的.¬

慢慢的才知道,不管玩的多好的朋友都有可能失去, 但是我们还是要乐观面对,若是真的把他(她)当作自己 的朋友就应该为他(她)祝福.遥望!只是做自己所做的.¬

慢慢的才知道,自己在慢慢接受社会了,所以也要慢慢 学会适应¬

Saturday, June 21, 2014




当决心守你的时候............你却让我伤心欲 绝!
爱的纷争太多使我们老循不到规则,爱的痛苦太多使我们往往不 能够承受,
从一开始的陌生到熟悉,再到陌生。。我们错过了什么?是只有 时间能证明的吗?
有时,知道和你走这条路的艰辛,即使是跌跌撞撞,但还是愿 意。。
有时,知道这将会是个遗憾,但宁愿笑着流泪,却不哭着说后 悔。。。
没有完美的爱,因为一开始它就残缺!也正因为残缺,所以更珍 惜!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My moody weekends

I had just received a message that my friend “Amy”, her mother had passed away due to suffer from cancer disease. Her mother is a beautiful and kindness person. Amy is also a good girl and always take care of her mother. I felt so sad when I heard that her mother can’t stay longer. We all are sending our condolence to her. This is one of the unhappiness that I have in this weekend.

The weather was very hot and stuffy. I was fall sick after my friend’s wedding ceremony. I took a long nap after I came back from the ceremony and I thought I can recover after the nap. Unfortunately, something that you wish is not always happen. Headache is one of my blacklisted sick in my lists. I can’t have it because no medicine can cure me due to I am allergy to this type of painkiller. Flu is one of my friends, he must visit me at least once in two weeks sometimes once in a week. Having sick and staying at home whole day made me felt I am so “SICK” and mood was not in a good condition anymore. Furthermore, a sad message from friend, my mood was down to inside a deep hole. How I wish there is someone could comfort and concern me (maybe from message or a 5 mins talk in a call) but I was too tired and sick, I missed the call at the night.

In this morning, I woke up and felt that my full energy could defend my moody last night. It was a fully recover feeling from sick. I told myself that today is a good day. No matter how, sick is over, new day is coming. I thought that I could have a wonderful day such as shopping, out for dinner and blak blak... Luckily, I have not date anyone yet. Because during working time, she visited me and she brought me a very “good” lunch. I had to say bye bye to my wonderful day and stay at home again to fight with her. Was told myself, it’s ok, It’s fine to comfort myself. However, something make me felt bad was lonely and quiet at home, my parents went to visit my grandmother, my brothers went out, he went to work and friends are not available. I don’t want to disturb when people is busy. Again, I only have a little wish which is to receive a warm and concern call or message if he is available.

Finally, received the call…. The call was received in the evening; I was suffering in the whole afternoon. When get to know that he is not that busy and always have free time, my mood was down again. I really had not in a good mood in this weekend.
I wish the coming weekdays would be better days for me.. always have positive thinking is good… It’s time to have my dinner…

Good day tomorrow..

Saturday, May 22, 2010

the emo me..

I was so emo that day after jam in the traffic for one and half hour. Those lousy drivers and “sleeping” drivers on the road really made me frustrated especially in the traffic jam. I felt disappointed with myself to throw my emo to my love one. I think I need to attend training on control my emo... In fact, my sen sei told me that my liver is not healthy and it affects me to become so emo most of the time.. haha... ok, I actually do not want to blame on my unhealthy liver which cause me emo but I hope my emo could reduce after I finish those “bitter Chinese medicine”. 
 This blog has been abondon by me quite awhile of time, I hope i can keep it updating.